Baby Hats Donated at 2015 Knit Out

2015 Knit Out participants donated over 150 hats for newborns for Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.

2015 Knit Out participants donated over 150 hats for newborns for Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.

We would like to thank everyone who donated nearly 150 baby hats at the 2015 Knit Out. The Pottstown Memorial Medical Center’s Labor and Delivery section also appreciates all the hats. We find that the nurses especially like the hats we make for holidays.

What do we do with the hats you donate? All hats are machine washed and dried, of course. We then divide the hats up into twelve bags, one for each month. Having about 11 or 12 starter hats each month—the ones you knit– gives us a head start on the 40 or so hats we donate monthly.

How does that work? We take the blues, pinks, and multicolored pastels and divide them evenly among the bags. February hats—delivered just this week–included red and pink hats for Valentine’s Day. Then we take greens and put them toward St. Patrick’s Day or Christmas. The purples and yellows may go for Easter or springtime generally. The oranges, of course, go into the pumpkin months and darker hats are kept for the later in the fall. Stripes go out in September for back-to-school and sports seasons. The nurses are especially fond of Eagle’s or Phillies’ hats.

2015 Knit Out Participant Donated Chemo Caps

2015 Donated Chemo Hats

2015 Knit Out participants generously donated their time and talents to help others.

Many thanks to all the 2015 Knit Out attendees who donated chemo caps at this year’s event. We collected 92 hats, just a small sampling of which is shown in the photo. These hats will be given to the Cancer Center at the Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.

Free Chemo Cap Patterns

2015 Charity Chemo Hat

2015 Suzanna Beanie

In 2014, we donated about 50 caps to the cancer center. You may download last year’s free chemo cap pattern. In 2015, Joy has created a new pattern in PDF form to honor Suzanna Rauscher.

The hospital and patients are always grateful for your donations.

Knitting a hat is not a requirement of the Knit Out. Donate if you can. We appreciate it.

2015 Knit Out

Pottstown Knit Out 2015The 11th Annual Pottstown Knit Out was held at the Brookside Country Club, January 17, 2015. Thank you to all who participated in this year’s event. As always, a great time was had by all. All proceeds go to Pottstown Relay for Life, while knitting donations go to Pottstown Memorial Hospital.

Hope to see you back next year.

If you would like to attend next year, please email: to be included on our mailing list. We cannot emphasize enough that our space is limited.


  • Make sure you’re on our mailing list. Email
  • Please do not contact the club.
  • Admission is on a first come, first serve basis; we have limited space. When you receive the notice, send your application immediately.

2015 Knit Out—Charity Baby Hats

Brookside Knits donates handmade hats to the Pottstown Memorial Medical Center. We welcome all knitters to offer a helping hand.

Baby Hats

2014 Charity Baby Hat

2014 Charity Baby Hat

About forty baby hats go to Labor and Delivery each month. Last year, Knit Out attendees dropped over 100 baby hats—about one quarter of all those donated to the hospital—into the collection basket.

Free patterns for baby hats of all kinds are available on Ravelry and other sites on the Internet. Check here for links to A Few of Our Favorite Things.
The hospital, the parents, and the babies are always grateful for your donations.

Knitting a hat is not a requirement of the Knit Out. Donate if you can. We appreciate it.