Supporting our Vendors

We are so very fortunate to have such wonderful vendors for the Pottstown KnitOut. Each and every year they bring a vast variety of yarn and knitting supplies. The owners and others who work their tables are always knowledgeable and very friendly and helpful.

If you would like to continue to support our vendors during the rest of the year, they can be reached through their shop websites or Etsy shops. The right-hand column of this page provides links  to most of our vendors.

We would also like to thank Alyssa and Ed from the Center for Alternative Therapies for volunteering their services at the Knit Out.

Glimpses of Your Knitting

Glimpses of the 2018 Knit Out

This year’s Knit Out filled the senses.

The sounds of friends sharing their projects, the new ideas and skills they learned in workshops, and their memories and plans.

The smell of coffee in the morning and the taste of grilled chicken, crispy salads, and hot soup at lunch.

The sights of works-in-progress and finished works, your projects and your neighbors’. All sorts of crafts–knitting, yes, but also crocheting, beading, punching, quilting. Modular shawls, mitered afghans, pieced works, lace stitches, fair isle patterns, cabled cowls, fuzzy pompoms, textures and colors of all sorts.

The feeling of awe as we watched Show and Share. One such piece was the beautiful Faroe Island-style shawl above, knit in one piece with a center, back panel and wings that spread out like a snow angel. Small pattern adjustments allowed the shawl to stay in place at the shoulders.

We are putting together a slide show for you all to enjoy of glimpses of your work and ours.